Discover customized roadbooks

We're delighted to introduce you to personalized roadbooks, a fusion between a traditional travel book and a modern tourist guide available both as an app and/or printed book!

What is a Roadbook?

Imagine a travel journal that goes beyond simple itineraries. Our roadbooks are tailor-made for each traveler, incorporating their name, personalized itinerary and, above all, exclusive editorial articles on their destinations.

Why opt for a Roadbook?

  • Tailor-made: each roadbook is designed specifically for your customer’s trip.
  • Exclusive destination info: written by experts, our editorial content provides invaluable information about the places you visit.
  • An unforgettable memory: apps are practical, but paper is chic! Build customer loyalty by giving them the book of their trip.
  • 100% in your image: whether as an app or a printed book, the layout respects your visual identity.

How to order your Roadbook

Log in to your Destinationbook account. In the “Publication and sharing” tab of your folder, click on “options” and then on “pre-order a travel journal”, then choose the type of binding you want and we’ll take care of the rest…

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